India is a tropical country with seasons that change periodically. And with that comes the issue of Viral fever. It would be rarest of the rare occasions, if we could meet somebody who has never suffered from a viral fever. Although a regular viral fever is not as big a threat, it leaves behind its baggage of fatigue and weakness.

The major cause of concern are the more acute and serious forms of various viral infections like dengue and chikungunya. Although medical science has found cure to these diseases, they leave the patient depleted of all his strength, both mental and physical.

Viroharsh Ayurvedic Tablet


  • Giloy, Kalmegha, Tulasi – Act as Antiviral, Antimalarial and Anti–inflammatory.

  • Daruharidra, Nishottar – Help to improve liver metabolism, Blood purifier.

  • Javas, Awala, Giloy, Jevanti - Antioxidant, Immunity booster
  • Papaya leaves – Exclusively helpful as a supplementary in Dengue management.

  • Blended with Mahasudarshan kadha, Kirayat, Nirgundi and Giloy act as an excellent antipyretic, beneficial in reducing post fever debility, aches and pains in muscles and joints.


  • VIROHARSH by Harsh products, gives you the strength to get out of the Post fever symptoms like fatigue, weakness, common cold, flu, headache, joint pain and stiffness
  • VIROHARSH act as a good alternative for antibiotics. It helps to improve metabolism and bowel movements, helping in better digestion.
  • Beneficial in viral infections especially dengue and chikungunya.
  • The inclusion of Papaya leaves and Awala make VIROHARSH a great supplement to dengue treatment.
  • So, if it is a Viral Fever, just remember VIROHARSH.


1.Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. f. and Thoms. (Guduchi) – Validation of the Ayurvedic pharmacology through experimental and clinical studies; Avinash K. Upadhyay, Kaushal Kumar, Arvind Kumar and Hari Mishra; Int J Ayurveda Res, v.1(2); Apr-Jun 2010, PMC2924974.

2. Dengue fever treatment with Carica papaya leaves extracts; Nisar Ahmad, Hina Fazal, Muhammad Ayaz, Bilal Haider Abbasi,Ijaz Mohammad and Lubna Fazal; Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2011 Aug; 1(4): 330–333, PMC3614241.

3. Pharmacological Potential of Polyherbal Formulation, Sudarshan Churna – A Review; Singh B, Gupta V, Bansal P, Kumar D, Murali Krishna C; Published online in