Skin, the ultimate manifestation of one’s beauty. A lot is invested in the cosmetic beauty of the skin. But we tend to forget that skin is the largest organ in the body. And it needs to be taken care of just like any other organ. Any disorder with skin, even as small as a rash, is not just physically irritating, but also dents one’s self confidence. We at Harsh products believe health is the foundation of beauty.

And with FUNGITCH, Harsh products wants to do just that. Take care of your skin. Not just cosmetically but also holistically. Skin manifests the state of the inner engineering of your body. Any disturbances in the levels of toxicity, blood purity and balances of vata, pitta and kapha can affect the health of skin. Hence FUNGITCH strives to work at the roots of the disorders and bring out the beauty from within.

Viroharsh Ayurvedic               Tablet


    Arogyavardhini: Antipruritic, improves digestion, helps to eliminate toxins, balances pitta and kapha, boostsliver function.

    Sariva, Manjistha, Tanakan lahi – Blood purifier, antimicrobial, antibacterial, skin immunity booster.

    Gandhak Rasayan – Antifungal, antibacterial, anthelminthic, helps to purify the blood and improves skin complexion, vranropak (helps in wound healing).

    Haridrakhandam – Antipruritic acts like antihistaminic, antiallergic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, blood purifier.


  • Tinea infections and its often recurrence.
  • Urticaria, Eczema and Leucorrhea
  • Useful in Pittaj and Kaphaj disorders.
  • Scalp exfoliation.
  • Respiratory and other fungal infections.
  • If it is skin, it has to be FUNGITCH.